Friday, January 22, 2016

... Or Maybe It Is?

So I posted yesterday about not reading the signals correctly and not being in tune with my body, well apparently I gave up on myself too early.  I wrote that post yesterday in the afternoon and was feeling absolutely crummy all day.  When I got home last night, I realized I was getting my period yesterday evening.  So It wasn't exactly the same as the last cycle, but close!

My last cycle was 5 weeks, and this cycle was 5 weeks and 2 days.  Not bad, considering I had a bunch more sugar with the holidays, and the stress of the shower tomorrow.  I am now in a contented-ish mood (bittersweet as periods are)

... however, I have to admit I cried this morning when my Friday breakfast sandwich was screwed up.  It was big ugly tears, over a sandwich.  Wow, aren't hormones great? Haha.  Time to drink some water and take some ibuprofen.

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