Friday, January 15, 2016

Knock on Wood

So lately I've been wondering if my cycle is normalizing (knock on wood, let's not jinx this!) ... probably not but I am now a week late (if I was having a normal 28 day cycle) and I definitely feeling hormonal. Definitely mood swing-y (I cry at everything lately, especially Alan Rickman dying, rest in peace) with anger being the predominant emotion.  Everything seems to irritate me lately, which is not fun, but generally it swings back to normal fairly quickly and reliably.

So what I was getting at is I have been feeling PMS-y lately, which bodes well for a period coming soon (I tell myself not to hope too hard for the alternative).  If I am listening to my body right, and its not playing a trick on me, it seems like I might be on par for the exact same cycle as the last one (fingers crossed!) and that in this theory, I might be gearing up to start on Monday (exactly one week over, like last cycle)..

Last last cycle, I reduced the sugar (after the crazy burst of it around the holidays) and I have exercised a tiny bit more this cycle, along with taking Metformin, of course (although kind of sporadically this time around (I am bad when my routine gets fudged, like around holidays and visiting with family)).

So yeah, that's my update so far!

I am also entering a crazy zone, because I am planning my sister-in-law's baby shower (which is in 8 days, yikes!) and I am still not done with the gifts I want to make for her! Also, the shower is at my house, and wouldn't you know, my house has some water leaking in from the last rain so I need to scrub and dry the carpet on top of everything else ... phew!

But the shower should be super cute, and I have some lovely ladies helping me get everything together so I am positive it will turn out great!  I will try to get some pictures I can post here. :)

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