Sunday, January 17, 2016

But it Smells Divine!

So for Christmas, my friend got me more tea; this time it was English Breakfast tea with rose petals.  It smells absolutely divine! So I tried it out (I had to steal a tea ball infuser thingy from my roommate because it's a loose leaf tea) and ... drumroll please ...

EWW. Haha.

Black tea is just not my thing.  I couldn't even force it down.  I tried taking tiny sips and nope. Not happening. I don't like wasting stuff, but I ended up pouring it out. I am not giving up on it yet, but I am thinking about trying it in a more English style  (with sugar and cream).  I think that might mellow it out enough for me.

I'm not giving up, because I have plenty more teas to try. I think herbal is the way for me. Onward!

(P.s. this is my first post from my phone, so bear with me if something goes wrong.  I may have had to edit it on my comuter)

1 comment:

  1. Make a cute little sachet for it and use it to scent your "unmentionables" drawer!
