Thursday, December 17, 2015

Good News?

So as of Monday, this being probably too much information, I officially have had my period!  It's bittersweet as usual; however, this cycle has given me a glimmer of optimism.

(Warning, I do tend to over-share and the next part might be a bit much for some people, so feel free to stop reading here as the pertinent information is that I had a fairly normal cycle.)

It is my shortest cycle to date (not including those controlled by the birth control pill) at only a week over a normal 28-day cycle. Not bad, considering I have had to have a provera cycle in the past.  Also, it's my heaviest flow I have had in a long time (not counting the provera cycle).  In my oodles of internet research, I read that women with PCOS have lighter periods because their hormone levels tend to be lower and inconsistent, so the lining doesn't build up as much.  With this being a heavier cycle, I am hypothesizing that means that my hormones were at a more normal level throughout this cycle, allowing for my body to go about it's business the way it is supposed to.

While I am not relishing the typical side effects of my periods (i.e. cramps and nausea) and I'm a bit rusty dealing with a heavy period, I am cautiously optimistic.  I feel like maybe cutting way back on sugar has helped me tremendously, since this is really the first whole cycle where I had done so, and it is the shortest.  The next shortest cycle I had was when I was exercising regularly, which I had not really done at all this cycle (I really need to work on that).  So if I can get my butt in gear, and continue on the lower sugar intake and exercise I might get myself in a good place. Definitely more smiles this week, that tiny, tiny voice is winning this round.

(Cue small "yay!")

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