Friday, November 6, 2015


I need to rein in my emotions.  They are completely exhausting. I feel like I use my hormones as a scapegoat when I am having a bad day.  I want to burst into tears because someone cut me off on the freeway?  Hormones. I want to cry because of some imagined slight by my husband? Hormones.  I get all teary because my car is just as temperamental as I am? Hormones (maybe on the cars part too!)

Maybe hormones do have something to do with it, but I think I also need to work on just letting stuff go.  Not be so sensitive when something is not going my way, or when I am having a bad day.  Everyone has bad days, I am not special.  Not everyone cries over it.

I might be being too hard on myself, but the tempest of emotions are exhausting.  I have been all over the map the last couple of days and it makes me crazy. Or am I crazy because of hormones ... ;-p

You decide.

(p.s. I need a nap)

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