Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Glow

(continued from The Glimmer)

So after seeing the potential good news from the ovulation test (after all, this is waaaay past the proper, allotted viewing time), I glance over at the pregnancy test.


There was the faintest of lines.  What? Huh?  I had never seen a positive line on a pregnancy test before, except the one time that I looked at a test the next day, so it was totally an evap line (long story short, I may have made a slight fool of myself, and told a couple people discreetly (although I did preface it with that doubt (because I knew it could be an evap line)) and opted out of drinking at a bachelorette party ... and tested every couple of days after that, with negative results, so OBVIOUSLY not pregnant).

So I was still freaking out ... I had taken plenty of pregnancy tests of this brand and never, ever had an evap line with this brand of tests. So I call my husband in to see if he sees it (he does) and explain that we shouldn't get too excited because it was after the viewing time, but at the same time I had diluted my pee because I was testing a theory (and even though I am normally scientific about these things, I didn't even think to do a control pregnancy test on undiluted urine).  He suggested using one of the spare early pregnancy tests, to see what happens (without waiting for a build up in the bladder, to concentrate the urine).


Do you see it?  There was the ghostiest of ghost lines ... so now we were starting to really freak out.  We *may* have rushed to the store to buy more tests in different brands and types (dye and digital), but this time we decided to wait until the next day to test again (trying for more concentrated pee, and doubling HCG levels).

So the next day, we decided an order.  We would use a dye test first and if there is a line, we would use the simple digital test, and if that was positive, we would use the fancy digital test (it gives weeks past ovulation and well as positive or negative).

... so yeah ... there's that ... We may have freaked out a bit.  Literally two days after getting the news from the couple close to us, we find out that we are pregnant too.  The next day, I scheduled my first doctor's appointment for August 5th (my OB office's policy is to wait until 8 weeks).  We decided to tell our close friends and family, because even in the worst case scenario, I would want them to know and support us. Although, we waited until we were on vacation to announce, so my husband could tell his grandparents in person. 

So maybe July wasn't so bad after all.

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