Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Our Little Nugget

So after a good appointment with my doctor, we scheduled an ultrasound to see our tiny human. That may have been the longest weekend ever (appointment on Friday, ultrasound first thing Monday morning).

The ultrasound was a bit nerve wracking ... I didn't entirely know what I was looking at and the tech told us that she would take measurements first and explain afterwards.  The entire time, I was looking for a heartbeat ... that was literally all I cared about.  I didn't care how far along I was as long at the baby had a heartbeat.  Between the bings as she took images and made measurements and her stoic silence, I was so nervy.  I didn't see the heartbeat and the tech never cracked a smile ... and then the waiting was over and she FINALLY started explaining what we were seeing.

We have a healthy looking little olive.  She showed us the tiny little flicker of a heartbeat (so I was worried for nothing). Everything looks good so far.  Our wee human measured 8 weeks, 6 days at the appointment ... so they are currently due on my husband and my 3rd anniversary.

So eve though I am exhausted, frequently nauseated, and hormonal ... I am so in love and so excited.  I can't believe this is happening.

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