Thursday, February 18, 2016

Mixed Signals

So yesterday, I was all out of sorts, so my friend suggested I take a pregnancy test and an ovulation test kit, since I'm not regular. In theory, these random symptoms I might be feeling (see: hypochondriac) could be from either ovulating or pregnancy.

I mentioned my thoughts to my husband and he was convinced that taking both tests would be a good idea.  So I did.

Drum roll, please .... and ...

It was a negative pregnancy test, but a faint positive ovulation test.  So, in theory, I could be building up to ovulating, or I could be coming down from ovulating.  In theory, my five week cycle would mean that I should test again in one week, and that my hormones might be coming down from ovulating.  The last theory, is that a ovulation predictor kit can potentially detect pregnancy ... so basically all of the options are open.

Can you see what I mean about mixed signals?  So I will be doing a couple more ovulation tests, to see if I am about to ovulate, and I will probably test in a week to see if I am pregnant ... fingers crossed!

(Also, feel free to ignore the crazy lady over here ... haha.  I just needed to vent out all my anxiety and nervousness)

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