Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Getting Ahead of Myself

In  my first post, I realize that I didn't get much context as to who I am and what I am about.  I'm going by Phoenix, and I have PCOS (or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).  I was hoping to use this blog as my kind of journal or sounding board for my emotions and feelings.

I want to chronicle our (because my husband is most definitely a part of this) journey into growing our family.  We've been at it for just over six months, so we are still newbies to this.  I knew I had PCOS even before we started trying so it has shaped our path differently I feel.

When my husband and I decided to start trying, I went to the doctor first.  I wanted to know what we could do, in a minimal way at first, to help with the "trying-to-get-pregnant" process.  We didn't want to rush into fertility treatments, neither did my doctor for the record, because I am still young (25) and we wanted to give it a year before taking a more direct method.

So that's how I started with the Metformin.  I am not regular, and Metformin has been found to help regulate hormones, so my theory was that by being on these pills I would have a similar chance of getting pregnant as a woman who doesn't have the same issues as I do. More on that later ...

For now, thanks for coming!

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