Monday, October 19, 2015

Emotions can be Scary

So I was going to post up Part 2 of my diagnosis story, but I had to put up a post about my crazy morning.  I’m pretty sure I traumatized my husband, because you know emotions are scary (especially when unpredictable).

A bit of back-story first … my husband and I have had the same bed for a long time, and it had lived on a hand-me-down frame that was one of those adjustable types.  Before us it housed a king bed, and we adjusted it down for our full bed.  Well, this particular frame had a metal bar that stuck out a bit farther than the mattress that I (on many separate occasions) found with my shin.  I am a bit accident prone like than.

Well, recently we had upgraded our bed to a premium queen bed (which we got for cheap thanks to an amazing friend/coworker of my husband) which had been living on the floor because our current frame, while adjustable, wouldn’t work for the mattress (because of our lack of box spring).  So this past weekend, we picked up a new frame from IKEA.  After going back and forth on the pros and cons of each style, we settled on one that we thought would be awesome and work well for us and our kitties (we have a scaredy-kitty that likes to hide under the bed).

We then proceeded to put it together, testing our marriage (we jokingly call it “IKEA: the wrecker of relationships”), with only minor bickering and miscommunications. Viola!

Well, I don’t know if it was the new frame, general restlessness, or potentially hormones (maybe (hopefully!) I’m ovulating?) but I slept awfully last night with a ton of tossing and turning.  So this morning I was tired, grumpy because one of our kitty terrorists decided to regale us this morning for an hour before our alarms went off, and generally just ready to go back to bed and give up on the day. I managed to get dressed and started to get moving, when WHAM!

I struck my knee against the frame of our new bed. While normally I would let out a curse or two and walk it off, this morning it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.  I hobbled out into the living room where my husband was waiting for me and when he asked what was going on, I promptly burst into tears.  While he stares at me completely confused, I sink into my chair still sobbing and I respond that I am just overreacting and to ignore me (although I suppose it is kind of hard to ignore the crazy crying lady in your living room).

As I am crying, I get a flash to the night before of my husband and myself, as we stand and survey our finished work, and I start to laugh, while still sobbing, mind you. The night before, my husband made the observation that the footboard of our bed sticks out farther than our mattress by a inch or so on each side, something we hadn’t thought about while shopping. “That might be a problem for you,” he told me (as he is well aware of my problems with our previous bed frame). Well, when this flash of memory struck me, I think “well, wasn’t he so right? I didn’t even last 24 hours!”

For whatever reason, in that moment to my overtired brain, it was the funniest thing in the world so I am hiccupping between laughing and crying, while my husband it probably thinking “What in the hell is wrong with you?” but instead asking “Are you okaaaaay?” Well, I managed to pull myself together and we left for work.

Can you tell exactly where my bed's footboard ends?
Right at the height of my knee.

 So the combination hormones and lack of sleep can definitely have some interesting results. I already look back and this morning and I can’t help but laugh at myself, so feel free to join in.  

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