Friday, October 23, 2015

Dirty Bland Water

So I don't like tea.  I think of it as dirty, bland water.  I don't think it tastes good and I'm not sure why people drink it. But as I do more and more research about living with PCOS and changing my diet, this tea, red raspberry leaf tea, keeps popping up.

Why Every Woman Should Drink Red Raspberry Leaf
I see captions like this a lot! Via

It is purported to have a ton of great health benefits and it suggested for women who are trying to increase their uterine health, woman who are pregnant, and even for women (and men!) who are trying to increase fertility.  I have a friend with PCOS who tried it and she had mixed reviews.  She doesn't really think it helped her get pregnant, but it was good tea and it couldn't hurt, right?

So I am really tempted to try it.  I typically don't put much stock in alternative medicine, but there are a couple of things that I give more credence to, herbal remedies and essential oils.  These things have been around for ages, and they were the medicine around before Western medicine was a thing.  But I have never tried either of them.

But tea is just tea.  It is considered safe for pregnant women, and if it doesn't work, its just more liquids that I am drinking.  It would give me an alternative to water right? (I gave up soda a while ago, and I am trying to stay away from juices because I am reducing my sugar intake) So I am really considering it.

This brings me back to the problem of, I don't like tea. The only tea-ish thing I kind of like is the Peach Green Tea Lemonade from Starbucks, so it's all mixed up (plus green tea is fairly mild, right?Maybe? Or am I making that up?).  So I am looking for ways to make red raspberry leak tea for palatable without adding a ton of sugar to it.  I was thinking of trying to mix it with lemonade, but my friend acted kind of leery at the idea (she's tasted it, I haven't yet).  I am thinking I need a few possible ways of changing the taste without losing the benfits of the tea or adding too much sugar to it.  Any ideas?

Searching through Pinterest, these are what I have come up with so far:
> Adding lemonade (gotta find one that's not too sugary)
> Adding milk (English black tea style)
> Adding honey (might work in the short term, but honey didn't make tea that much more palatable for me before)

I am thinking about trying this recipe out:

Labor-aid Recipe Via

The recipe seems to be lemonade like, but not mixing in lemonade. It seems to be vaguely what I want? Maybe?  I am going to experiment, I'll let you know how it goes!

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