Monday, April 18, 2016

Working Through Some Stuff

My birthday passed and I am officially 26 and not-pregnant. The past month and a half have been a roller coaster of up's and down's. My emotions have been all over the place (not terribly surprising) and every time I get my hopes up, because I think I feel pregnant (not that I know what that feels like) I get confirmation that, of course, I'm not pregnant. I had my period once since the last time I posted, and I am back in the "Two Week Wait" ... except I'm not.

I am now part of a Facebook group of awesome ladies that are trying to conceive, and they like to talk about the dreaded TTW (two week wait) between ovulation and getting their period, or being able to test to see if they are pregnant.  The problem is, I have what I call the "2+ Week Wait" because I don't know when I ovulate and therefore, don't know when to test or when my period should arrive. I am officially back in the "+" part of my wait, and this morning's tests (ovulation and pregnancy) were both negative. So I'm still waiting.

In addition to the "Trying to Conceive" group, I have also officially joined an Infertility group as well.  We've been trying for over a year now, with no pregnancy (failed or not) and I am finally accepting that I fall into this group.  It's been tough, but it doesn't feel as raw as it did when I first heard that term where it might apply to me (I wrote a post, my first post about my journey, but never published it.  I will soon.) So now that I am more accepting of this, I have had a doctor's appointment, and tests have been ordered.  I just have to wait to schedule them until I get my period. So more waiting.

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